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Shurmer Place at Altenheim - Strongsville, OH
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* Published prices are provided by the providers themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.
- Minimum Age of Accepted Residents
- Activities Onsite
- Devotional Services Available
- Indoor Common Areas
- Meals Provided
- Complimentary Transportation
- Pets Allowed
- No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors
- No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors
- Hospice Available
About Shurmer Place at Altenheim - Strongsville, OH
Shurmer Place and Altenheim is a senior living community located in dynamic Strongsville, Ohio. Over a century ago in 1892, our tradition of quality and care began we first opened in Cleveland. Since the beginning, our reputation has been built on providing the highest quality of care within a community atmosphere.
Our qualified and dedicated staff and volunteers address the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of our residents. As a not-for-profit senior living community, we treat healthcare as a mission to enrich the lives of those we serve, rather than a commodity. We offer spacious private apartments for both our Independent and Assisted Living residents, a secure and specialized environment for those with Alzheimer's, skilled nursing, rehabilitation and restorative programs, as well as hospice and palliative care.
Shurmer Place and Altenheim also boasts one of the most extensive activity programs in the state of Ohio. Our varied activities promote social and cultural interests as well as independence. Our ma