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Our House Senior Living Assisted Care - Portage - Portage, WI
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- Dentist Available
- Female & Male Residents
- Wheelchair Accessible Showers
- No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors
- No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors
- Speech Therapy Available
- Nurses on Staff
- 3 Balanced Meals and Snacks Per Day
- Indoor Common Areas
- Parties, outings, games, puzzles, cards, bridge and many more fun and interesting activities
- Activities Onsite
- Activities Offsite
- Pets Allowed
- Physical Therapy Available
- Assistance with all aspects of daily living
- 24 hour care
- Hospice Available
- Respite care available
About Our House Senior Living Assisted Care - Portage - Portage, WI
For residents who cherish their independence but also need assistance with daily activities, Our House Senior Living Assissted Living in Portage is the optimal lifestyle choice for assisted care. We provide a comfortable, caring and family-like atmosphere with three home-cooked meals a day (plus snacks), a robust activities calendar, medication management, regular housekeeping and all linen services. Our specially-trained 24-hour staff ensures that our residents receive the warm, personalized attention they deserve. We also welcome a short-term or respite stay, based on current availability.