Extended Family - Portsmouth, NH

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  • 5.0 of 5 average rating of 3 reviews

About Extended Family - Portsmouth, NH

Founded by a Registered Nurse in 2004, Extended Family is an organization that provides support and services that can serve as a solution for life. We give older adults the tools to age gracefully, stay healthy and live their lives fully.

Our approach to aging is simple; we think older adults and families need a plan, support and a coach. We are there every step of the way to provide that with access to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

We are flexible, not requiring a minimum number of hours, professional, hiring only the best staff and committed, doing whatever it takes to provide the best service.

We know it is often hard for people to admit they may need some help, but we also know that accepting a “little” help now, may prevent someone from needing a “lot” of help later.

We invite you to join Extended Family. Our members are living stronger, more robust lives, our families are more relaxed, and our communities are thriving.